Voxxi Fashion & Beauty

Hair Eaters Coma 27
Piercing nase Gold PhoebePiercings&more Gift
Lipstick Shy Blush TheShops
Necklace Interlocked Links Fashion Gold [F] oil
[SG*] Bra Highway Star [ monso ]
Tunic Pink Sheer SALIMA Irregular .::voxxi::.
Piercing Navel Barbell Xia's Boutique
Clock pulse Paid Watch Set Gold [7891]
Ring Skull RYCA Gold
Hand & Nails Slink Elegant1
Short Jeans [SAS MESH]
Stilleto Vamp Stone Gold & Silver [AL]

A loja Voxxi tem roupas lindas peças unicas e com o preço baixo, eu amei a loja cada peça. <3

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Ceyron Louis

Hello my name is Natallia Elan, any questions feel free to ask me, just scroll the page to the end and look down at the bottom left and contact me.

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